Galactic Empire

A five hundred year old autocratic government that has been ruled by a Kaiser(emperor) which encompasses most of the known galaxy in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes universe. It was founded by Rudolph von Goldenbaum, who sought to create an orderly government after the collapse of the old democratic political system. He was not a fair ruler, he used tyranny and fear to keep the citizens in line and committed mass murders of people who had inferior genes and disabilities(much in a manner like Hitler). His reign would mark the beginning of the Goldenbaum dynasty, where the oppression of the poor and prosperity of the rich would continue until Reinhard von Lohengramm seized the throne and reformed the Empire into a government for the people.
The Star System layout of the Empire and Free Planets Alliance Territory

Free Planets Alliance

A democratic government founded by Arle Heinnesen, an Imperial exile who led many others out of Imperial society to create a just government. The Free Planets Alliance is run by a democratically elected council which has become increasingly corrupt in the series main events. The politically elite were guaranteed no involvement in the war with the Empire and a secret police group was created by the FPA chairman, Job Truniht, named the Patriotic Knights Corp who resorted to extortion and murder to keep citizens in line with their ideologies.